Weekly Weather Forecast | |||||||||||||||
Time | 02/06 Monday Morning | 02/06 Monday Evening | 02/07 Tuesday Morning | 02/07 Tuesday Evening | 02/08 Wedensday Morning | 02/08 Wedensday Evening | 02/09 Thusday Morning | 02/09 Thusday Evening | 02/10 Friday Morning | 02/10 Friday Evening | 02/11 Saturday Morning | 02/11 Saturday Evening | 02/12 Sunday Morning | 02/12 Sunday Evening | |
Weather | Cloudy | Cloudy and Light Showers | Cloudy and Light Showers | Cloudy and Light Showers | Cloudy and Light Showers | Cloudy | Cloudy | Partly Cloudy | Partly Cloudy | Partly Cloudy | Mostly Sunny | Cloudy | Partly Cloudy | Partly Cloudy | |
Highest Temperature | 24°C | 23°C | 22°C | 21°C | 23°C | 22°C | 24°C | ||||||||
Lowest Temperature | 17°C | 18°C | 18°C | 19°C | 21°C | 21°C | 22°C | ||||||||
Absoulte Humidity | 71 % | 77 % | 84 % | 85 % | 79 % | 80 % | 76 % | 79 % | 77 % | 82 % | 78 % | 81 % | 79 % | 78 % | |
Levels of Winds | 3 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | |
Wind Direction | East Wind | Northeast Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | Northwest Wind | North Wind | Northwest Wind | North Wind | North Wind | Northeast Wind | |
Chance of Precip. | 20% | 40% | 40% | 30% | 30% | 20% |
Shanban Bay Villa & Resort
Address: No. 2-10., Duzaiping Rd., Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County 92942, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886 8 861-3300 Fax: +886 8 861-2494
Email: shanbanbay@gmail.com
Pingtung County Official Tourism License No. 100135311