2012年1月21日 星期六

Free Shuttle Buses Are Run during Lunar New Year

Two meduim-size shuttle buses will run from 08:30 tl 18:45 from the Lunar New Year ( from January 23 to January 29, 2012). These buses are free of charge between the Dapeng Bay to the Donggang-Xiao Liuqui Harbor. The buses run 32 times a day to transport visitors to the harbor. The buses stop is at the Dapeng Bay Station, in which visitors can take the Kenting Express.

Reference: The Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Tourism Information Website, http://www.dbnsa.gov.tw/user/Article.aspx?Lang=2&SNo=04003326 ( January, 21, 2012)

Shanban Bay Villa & Resort
Address: No. 2-10., Duzaiping Rd., Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County 92942, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886 8 861-3300
Fax: +886 8 861-2494
Email: shanbanbay@gmail.com
w ww.sbbay.com.tw




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